RIP Chris Merritt

EFD and Bicycle distribution at Kampong Svay

Our amazing friends from Rotary Club of Bendigo South have again generously supported the RCPP efforts to help the poor and in need Cambodian people.

After 2 ½ days of preparation negotiating fair deals, then physically collecting, transporting and assembling individual packages, today, Sunday 21 August dawned. Thank goodness I was awake early and in the front yard, as my local Commune Leader, Om, arrived at 6am with 4 men and 2 tuk tuk trucks to transport the produce and bicycles to the delivery point. Honestly folks, it’s so hard to express the emotion of helping people who really have so little in their lives. When you see the gratitude on the faces, trembling hands and tears in ir eyes, then the open joy of the kids about to receive their first bicycle, and the pride clear on the faces on Commune Leaders, School head and teachers…we know we are making a difference. My deep gratitude to all who helped this happen. Thank you!

All Pictures on facebook!